It’s now been a big part of our lives for the past decade or so, but what exactly is “the cloud?” It’s a method of storing data that isn’t tied to a physical hard drive. Instead, it operates and exists solely on the Internet.
From the iCloud to Google Cloud, it is a ubiquitous way we store information, hold onto precious data, and share documents and photos between our devices with ease.
While it is common, BBC News reports that only 10 percent of the world’s data is stored remotely through cloud computing. Think of it as a way that businesses and individuals can store their information at a relatively affordable rate. You don’t need to have a computer science degree to know how to use it most effectively. Hence, this ease of use is a big part of cloud computing’s appeal.
For those who are accustomed to the cloud or for those who have yet to try it, security is obviously a top issue. How safe is it? The BBC interviewed Gavan Egan, managing director of cloud and IT solutions for Verizon, who offered a few words of wisdom:
“The biggest risk is giving up control of your data to someone else using different data centers in remote places,” Egan said. "What happens in the event of a disaster? You're also putting your data next to someone else’s."
There is the risk that a problem with your cloud system, or a mistake you make, could see your data wiped away, stolen by others, even corrupted by cybercriminals.
ISG Technology outlined why cloud computing is safe. They said as more and more businesses have been abandoning unwieldy and expensive servers for cloud-based systems for file storage, cloud computing companies have become increasingly vigilant about safety.
They cite a Forbes article that highlights three key ways the cloud is safe.
Three key ways the cloud is safe
For one, cloud services usually store at least three copies of each piece of your data in different locations. To lose your data permanently, all of these copies would have to be erased at once, which is unlikely to happen. Additionally, increasingly more sophisticated security protocols — think passwords, two-factor authentication, etc. — mean that you and you alone have access to this data. If you are stringent with other aspects of your personal cybersecurity, such as online banking and email use, then you should be the same way with your cloud computing habits. Safe sharing features also ensure that you have control over who sees your information. You make the final call as to who can access what when and if those links expire permanently.
If you’re still on the fence about cloud computing, security giant Norton puts it in simple terms — you have more to worry about with your email account:
“The data that you save with cloud service providers may likely be safer than the information you've stored in your computer's hard drive. Remember, hackers can use malware and phishing emails to get the information stored on your own devices. They might freeze your computer, demanding a ransom before they'll release the files and data they've frozen,” Norton writes.